This paskage contains MS DOS implementation of Kalakh logical game. Unfortunately, there in such many variation of rules of this game. This program play according the rules, which widely uses in Souviet Union. You can ask the rules of the Kalakh game, used in program, from built-in on line help. The full game package includes the following files: README - this file KALAKH.EXE - game executable file IMG0E.IMP \ IMG1E.IMP \ IMG2E.IMP - game field pictures IMG3E.IMP / IMG4E.IMP / This program can only operate on PC/AT(XT) with EGA or VGA card. It is not nesesary but preferable to use mouse. Game was implemented by Sergey Ryzhkov (programming) and German Kondrashkov (pictures). Some parts of code implemented by Lev Belov, Rustem Achijarov and Oleg Perelet. Program is fully designed in Moscow, Souviet Union. Moscow, USSR. There is also a version of this game for Microsoft Windows. I think, that this game is not interesting as a comersial product. So, you can freely use and destributye this version of program without any restriction. But if if you have some other propousals, please contact me. Please do not remove this file from game package. If you have some question or propousal, contact me via e-mail Sergey Ryzhkov, Moscow, Russia, Souviet Union. PS This program is my first experience in game programing. So I hope to do this program more powerful and beautiful. It is not clearly for me, are there any interes to such sort of prducts. I will be very glad to discuss this.